The Model: Emily Metalskin
Emily Metalskin taking on the art challenge to be our model in this session based on the art of Louise Bourgeois. Emily is a costume maker, performer, jewelry maker and above all a great art model. She makes all the costumes and attributes herself.
The inspirational artist: Louise Bourgeois
With a career spanning eight decades from the 1930s until 2010, Louise Bourgeois is one of the great figures of modern and contemporary art. She is best known for her large-scale sculptures and installations that are inspired by her own memories and experiences.
The spider is a very important theme in the art of Louise. Bourgeois uses the spider, both predator (a sinister threat) and protector (an industrious repairer), to symbolise the mother figure. The spinning and weaving of the spider’s web links to Bourgeois’s own mother, who worked in the family’s tapestry restoration business.
The Session
We take 3 themes in the artworks of Louise Bourgeois as inspiration for this life drawing session. Her spider sculptures and drawings, her sexual body sculptures and the pink people. Our model Emily will transform into a giant spider, wear the body sculptures and pose with 2 extra faces.
19.45 zoom door open.
The poses start 20.00 till 22.00 Amsterdam time/CET.
After 22.00 we take time to show each other the artworks.
The poses are 10 or 15 minutes.
Open to all levels, beginners and pro.
Info and tickets on our