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June 2 - Life Drawing Zoom Session with Clapmutt & Tresva , Theme Shift Stigma (HIV)


The theme will be Women living with HIV to approach the stigma of this being seen as a “gay disease” and show the hidden reality of women with this virus.

HIV does not mean death or promiscuity. A person infected cannot pass the virus if they do the treatment and become Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U) .

Through the story of how stigma can affect our life and portraying one of the many women living with HIV, we want to stop the stigma and encourage women and men to see their status with different eyes. Everyone deserves to be loved!

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Clapmutt is a nonsense (multidisciplinary) artist with a created character known as Clown of all trades, with the concept to experiment with a wide range of bold approaches, whilst having lipstick and a plaster bow tie as a trademark.

Tresca Louise, a HIV Volunteer, Maternity Mate, ACTUP London activist, Catwalk4Power Strutter and LGBTQIA+ ally.Working to support vulnerable, marginalised communities, educating and empowering myself and others and challenging stigma of all kinds.

Tresca :


Why do I do this?

1 – Women living with HIV need more support. Women are the second biggest group with HIV worldwide and they don’t have as much studies as men

2- HIV is not a gay virus and no one has to live a life thinking they are HIV positive because of their sexual orientation

3 – Pass the message of the U=U and stop making HIV people feel ashamed of their status

4 – Everyone deserves to be loved and no one should say otherwise.

Clapmutt and Tresca will pose together and solo. The poses will tell their stories . Special is that they both will sign and perform as well. We worked on the theme modern saints : using the symbols of Christ and Maria.

Clapmutt made very impressive head ornaments out of condoms filled with water.

Please be generous in your support.

Donation will go to models and the good causes they work for. Help to shift the stigma of HIV.


19.45 zoom door open.
The poses start 20.00 till 22.00 Amsterdam time/CET.
After 22.00 we take time to show each other the artworks.
The poses are 5, 10 or 15 minutes.
Open to all levels, beginners and pro.

Info and tickets on our website:

26 May

May 26 - Jess: Inspired by Kusama

9 June

June 9 - Life Drawing Zoom Session with Emily Metalskin , inspired by Louise Bourgeois