September 15 - Adrian : man in motion ,E. Muybridge
On September 15, Artmakessense will organize an online life drawing session inspired by the photo sequences by Mr Muybridge. This was the idea of Adrian Modbod himself. Adrian is a well known art model in London and on zoom, We are very happy to have him back this time with fab active poses.
The Model: Adrian
Adrian is one of our favorite male models. He always comes up with great themes. This time the movement in photos by E. Muybridge are the inspiration for the poses.Adrian has over 20 years experience as a professional life model.
The inspirational artist : Edward Muybridge
Edward Muybridge 9 April 1830 – 8 May 1904, born Edward James Muggeridge was an English photographer important for his pioneering work in photographic studies of motion, and early work in motion-picture projection. He adopted the first name Eadweard as the original Anglo-Saxon form of Edward, and the surname Muybridge, believing it to be similarly archaic.
Videos E.Muybridge
The Session
Adrian will do interactive poses, slow stop motion poses and will in one very slow but continuous unfurling movement transform from tiny embryo to luscious , gorgeous fully-formed adult. And there will be 5 and 10 min poses with no movement. So be ready to catch Adrians movements.
Session details:
19.45 zoom door open.
The poses start 20.00 till 22.00 Amsterdam time/CET.
After 22.00 we take time to show each other the artworks.
The poses are 3, 5, 10 or 15 minutes.
Open to all levels, beginners and pro.
Info and tickets on our website: